Wednesday, November 28, 2012

In The Mood For Something STRANGE???

Feeling strange? Want something weird? Well curl up with your cats and start brainstorming on that new cloning device! The library has some Emily the Strange Books which are perfect for reading over Christmas break!
The two Emily the Strange books are fascinatingly fun!

Book 1: Emily the Strange, The Lost Days

13 Elements You'll find in the first Emily The Strange Novel:
1. Mystery                       
2. A beautiful golem       
3. Souped-up slingshots  
4. Four black cats            
5. Amnesia                       
6. Calamity Poker           
7. Angry ponies               
8. A shady truent officer
9. Top-13 lists                  
10. A sandstorm generator
11. Doppelgangers              
12. A secret mission           
13. Earwigs                         
Book 2: Emily the Strange, Stranger and Stranger
!3 cool things you"ll find in this installment of Emily's Diary:
1. OtherMe                                                           
2. Epic sewer murals                                           
3. The Manifesto of Strange                               
4. Cat translator                                                  
5. Binery Larry                                                    
6. Radiac abrasive lightening rods                     
7. The Ladies of the Sillifordville Science Club
8. Spy diapers                                                       
9. Grand Ravenesque fiascos                              
10. A sun spigot                                                        
11. The family poltergeist                                       
12. Master pranks                                                   
13. Venus Fang Fang                                              

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cone Café

We are excited to announce the opening of the Cone Café!

The Library's Cone Café, run by the librarians and student library proctors, will offer hot beverages and morning snacks to students and teachers from 7:00 to 7:50 am during midterm exams.
All proceeds from selling the goodies go toward our ongoing fundraiser, naming Coach's successor. As a reminder, you are invited to see our progress or to donate to the cause at
Here is a little preview of what will be offered at the Cone Café:

Hot Chocolate

Orange Juice

Cinnamon Scones
Chocolate Chip Scones
And Mrs. McLean's delicious chocolate truffles (which I unfortunately don't have a picture of).

Remember to bring to bring in cash during midterms. You can charge purchases of $5.00 and over!

Go SLPs!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Hobbit

Many of us have seen the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and this December, the Hobbit will be coming to theaters. the Hobbit is the prelude to the beloved trilogy; masterful writing and rich characters ensure that the Hobbit is a delight to read, and no doubt will be a delight in theaters as well. Before seeing the movie, however, I highly suggest reading, or rereading, the Hobbit, which you can check out from the Cone Library. Happy Reading!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Library Film Festival

It's time to watch some Harry Potter....

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2
The last two Harry Potter movies will be available for your viewing in the library from 4 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. this Friday, November 16th.

Much thanks to Evan Miller for loaning his DVDs to the library!

We'll have pizza, popcorn, and butterbeer for your enjoyment:


Hot pizza!
Scrumptious buttered popcorn
Sign up on the library bulletin board!

2012-2013 National Merit Semi-Finalists

SLPs rock!! All four of Berkeley's National Merit Semi-Finalists are either SLPs or once were SLPs:

Alex Farthing
Carly Schippits
Ari Tyler--who left the SLP program after sophomore year :(
Yunhan Xu

Notice something else? Yep, they're all girls!

Semi-Finalists are chosen based upon their 11th grade PSAT scores. Berkeley juniors took their PSAT in October, so hopefully we have some more National Merit SLPs in waiting!!

Conclusion: Being an SLP boosts your chances of becoming a National Merit Scholar! Haha, just kidding! :)

Breaksale Success!

The SLPs made over $260 at their Friday breaksale!!! We more than doubled our estimates with a brand new product: ice cream bars! They flew off the shelves, so to speak! :)
Reese's Ice Cream

Snickers Ice Cream
In addition to ice cream, we had cupcakes, doughnuts, and cookies that SLPs generously donated to the cause.

Oh, and Coach almost ate a doughnut :D  (Click here to see Mrs. McLean's blog post.)

As you can see from our page, we have nearly broken $1,000!! With three more breaksales this semester, the Cone Café (which will be a later post), and manning the concession stand at Headmasters', we're crossing our fingers that the SLPs will be able to reach their $3,500 goal in time for the March Walk-A-Thon!

Our next breaksales are November 19th, November 26th, and December 3rd. We'll definitely have ice cream bars for the November 19th breaksale (and hopefully for the other two as well). So, if you're a Berkeley student, remember to bring in cash!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Book Review: The Dresden Files

Welcome to another book review! I’m your host, Evan Miller, and today we are looking at a series called The Dresden Files, by Jim Butcher. In the world of The Dresden Files, magic is real, along with ghoulsvampires, demonsspiritsfaerieswerewolves, and other mythical monsters. Harry Dresden, the only wizard in the phone book (look under W), works to protect the general public, who are ignorant of magic and the dark forces conspiring against them. This makes it difficult for Harry to get by as a working wizard and private eye. The Chicago PD's Special Investigation unit, when led by Karrin Murphy, regularly employs Dresden as a consultant to help solve cases of a supernatural nature. Follow Dresden as he battles against dark forces and survives the horrors of *gasp* wizard politics! DUN DUN DUNNNN!!
The only professional wizard in the phone book

Ever wondered where wizard spells come from? In this series, spells are a kind of pseudo-Latin, using some Latin words to cast the spell. For example, the spell “Fuego,” similar to the word fire, allows Dresden to shoot fire from his staff. The spell “Ventas Servitas” calls a wind to do his bidding, “vento” meaning “wind” in Latin.

This series is very intriguing and magical. I rate it 15/17 pentagrams!
This book is for grades 9 and up.
Find it in the Fiction section up on the Mezzanine at Call Number: F BUTCHER JIM DRESDEN

Suggestions for the Library and Ramblings of My Mind

This week instead of the usual book review I’m going to do an actual blog post. Being a Berkeley Student is tough but that’s why we come to this school. We want to be challenged to learn and to do our best but at times it can be super stressful. I like the library because it is usually very quiet unless there’s a troop of 6th graders learning how to use NoodleBib (which is an awesome resource btw). It’s a place where you can either attempt to eliminate some of your homework or you can just relax with a good book and maybe go and pet Coach. Currently we are asking for suggestions to improve the library and I suggest a space full of pillows to relax in, but since that is highly improbable: bean bag chairs. They have them in lower division, why not Upper and Middle? If you have suggestions on how to improve the library (even silly ones), please leave them on the bulletin board next to the circulation desk. Go Books J