Sunday, September 30, 2012

Looking For A Good Book?

Want a good book, but don't know where to start looking? Just check out the display near the circulation desk! There's always an array of fantastic choices all at your disposal! From books similar to your favorites, to cool series' you should check out! Also, if you like a book but it is not in the library, (meaning the library does not have it at all, not that it is checked out), tell one of the lovely librarians and we'll be sure to order it! If you still can't seem to find a book that really screams, "READ ME!!!", don't be afraid to ask the friendly SLPs if they've read a good book lately. Remember, the theme this year is "Literature is a Treasure", so happy hunting!

1 comment:

  1. You can always email one of the librarians as well. We can always pull some books we think you might like and have them waiting for you to look at. 8-)
