My rating: 5 of 5 stars
WOW! The Hanover School is a school for pregnant space! And it starts off with our heroine falling on her behind, but she gets her tuchus up and she runs for the rest of the book!
The action never stops. So, it isn't giving anything away to say that Elvie is at the Hanover School because her baby daddy gorgeous high school boyfriend abandoned her as soon as he found out she was preggers and she is escaping her evil cheerleading nemesis Britta. Unfortunately, the Hanover school and fate are planning to deal Elvie a horrible blow: Alien teachers, Britta and her gorgeous boyfriend. All brought together in the floating school for pregnant teens.
Will Elvie ever tell Britta to stuff it? Will she and Cole get back together? Should they? What's up with these alien teachers? And why are all the guys so darn hunky?
If you want a truly hysterical read, try Motherhood. The characters are really delightful and I tore through the book in one day. I couldn't put it down.
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